Can You Make a Claim for a Car Accident If You Are at Fault?
Not only participating in an automobile crash reflects material but also physical and mental damage. Unfortunately, someone always bears the responsibility for causing the accident, even though it is unlikely that the individual will accept the facts. We consulted the Woodland Hills car accident attorney, thus, in the following lines you will have the opportunity to find out if you can make a claim for a car accident if you are at fault.
Guilty as Charged
To make a long story short, if you were the sole cause of the tragic event where an individual or individuals suffered material or physical harm, you should not waste your valuable time on trying to receive compensation according to Woodland Hills car accident attorney.
In a nutshell, the responsibility of the guilty one is to compensate for the loss, thus, hoping to get something out of your misdemeanor would be ludicrous. On the other hand, if the other participants share the blame for causing the misfortune, you would have the opportunity to seek justice without having to empty your pockets.
No-Fault Cases
Surprisingly, an accident can be viewed as a no-fault concept, says Woodland Hills car accident attorney. Namely, if nobody is found guilty of the consequences of a crash, the participant can expect specific compensation if they purchased a specific insurance package.
We talk about PIP, or –personal injury protection package which motor vehicle drivers purchase to insure they are covered in case of suffering in a car crash. Now, the aforementioned covers compensation for medical bills, recovery costs, and rectification of absenteeism from your workplace. Woodland Hills car accident attorney suggests that you should not expect the insurance company to fund the potential repairs on your vehicle if you have only purchased a PIP.
The package that should do the trick is the collision coverage insurance policy and it is purchased as an individual treat.
Legal Support
Woodland Hills car accident attorney insists that you should reach out for professional assistance regardless of who caused the crash since relying on nothing but your own steam might complicate the situation and leave you without potential reimbursement.
On the other hand, if you are the one and only factor that caused the unpleasant situation, you would probably require additional support when the time for court hearings comes. Thus, waste no time but dial up your representative’s phone number as soon as possible.
Partial Guilt
Since we have determined that the guilt can be shared, we should underline that you can claim compensation if you are less at fault than the other participant in the unpleasant event. In a nutshell, a professional commission is obliged to determine a percentage share of one’s participation in the crash, thus, as long as the numbers are in your favor you will have the right to hope for the best.
Hopefully, the aforementioned pieces of information have shone some light on how to deal with potential situations and what to expect depending on whether you are the main cause of the accident or you share the responsibility with other participating entities.