Meyers Leonard gets suspended

Meyers Leonard Gets Suspended For A Week With A $50K Fine.

The star player of the Miami Heat, Meyers Leonard gets suspended and is now out of the team. It has already been one week since he faced suspension from the NBA.

He has to meet a $50K OK for his improper use of the anti-Semitic slur, and that when there was live streaming it a twitch took place on Monday.

The NBA said Thursday in the statement that Meyers would have to be part of such a program that contains cultural diversities.

The live streaming had Leonard engaging in Call of Duty while addressing Jewish people with the F word continuously. Nick Friedell said that Leonard called Jewish “kike”, a very derogatory word regarding Jewish culture.

Leonard apologized on Tuesday for sharing a post on Instagram. He is a native of Virginia.

FaZe Clan, which works in eSports, cut ties with Leo after the Anti-Semitic fiasco. They confirmed that they would not collaborate with the 29-year-old NBA player anymore.

Meyers Leonard gets suspended from all activities till the investigation closes.

Miami Heat said that Leonard would be out of the team till the investigation closed. He wouldn’t be able to engage in any of Heat’s activities for a time now.

The spokesperson of the NBA, Mike Bass, states that the league condemns any hate expressions. He commented on Leonard’s incident launching the inquiry against the player, as stated by Friedell.

The increasing rate of hate crimes in US

The United States already face anti-Semitic flares worldwide, and now Leonard’s comment or hatred instigated the spree. There was the highest number of acts of anti-Semitism in 2019 since the last highest in 1979. The data showed a 12 per cent increase in Anti-Semitic activities in the US since 2018.

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Leonard’s usage of slur comes when anti-Semitism is witnessing a rise in the United States. Moreover, The Anti-Defamation League states in 2019 that all anti-Semitic activities in the US were at their highest since 1979, an increase of 12 per cent over 2018. 

There was a 14 per cent hike in hate activities. According to the FBI’s Hate Crimes data, Jewish individuals face most in terms of hate crimes based on religions. Jewish people are only 2 per cent of the whole US population.

Leonard’s shoulder surgery

Leonard was any way out from the team for the season of 2020-21 due to the surgery in his shoulder in February. The heat kept him as an option in 2021-22, as Leonard’s contract said.

The accused NBA player was a 2012 pick in the first round and joined the Miami Heat in 2019’ July in the trade of four teams. Leonard used to be with the Trail Blazers of Portland. He was with them for seven years before joining Heat.

Leonard played 447 games in his career with an average of 5.6 and rebounds of 3.9.