Sports Analytics 24/7 Review – Thank you for your purchase! (Part I)

Part I of this article includes an overview of what Sports Analytics 24/7 offers and what you get if you sign up for one of the (expensive) packages. In Part II, you can see how the picks of Sports Analytics 24/7 perform (or better not perform).

Before you sign up for a package, you should read Part II. It might prevent you from spending a lot of money you could better spend elsewhere!

Read on to learn more about how I signed-up for the sports betting service.

I did it! I signed up for an NBA/College Basketball Season Package with Sports Analytics 24/7!

For a few days I was thinking about it, and was quite unsure whether I should actually do it or not. Honestly, the website doesn’t make a very trustworthy impression. Images with a bad resolution, spelling errors, unimpressive design. After browsing through their Instagram and Twitter accounts, I decided to give it a try.

When I was browsing for new sports affiliate programs, I stumbled across Sports Analytics 24/7. Their subscriptions have a hefty price tag. USD 39.99-4,999.99 before discount depending on the package and term. Though, coupon codes seem to be regularly available.

Before suggesting the service to others, I decided to do a “practical” self-test. Is it really worth the money? Is it a scam? Will I simply burn my money? It was certainly not easy to hit the “Buy now” button… However, the activity of the Instagram and Twitter accounts convinced me to go for it.

It was an expensive mistake!

Real life self-test of the picks

This article includes a second part with a real life, practical test of the Sports Analytics picks. I’m by no means an experienced bettor. In the past, I sometimes placed bets on opponents of my favorite teams in important games to hedge my emotions: if my team lost, I would at least get some free drinks.. So I will fully rely on the picks provided by Sports Analytics 24/7.

Over the next few weeks, I will provide regular updates on how my sports betting “career” is doing and whether the picks of Sports Analytics 24/7 are actually worth the money (and no, they are not).

This review of Sports Analytics 24/7 is an ongoing, practical self-test about the performance of the NBA and NCAAB picks of Sports Analytics 24/7. The review includes daily updates with my experiences and the performance based on the Sports Analytics 24/7 picks. Check back regularly to see the win percentage and the profit and loss statement.

What is Sports Analytics 24/7?

Based on their own statement, Sports Analytics 24/7 is “The #1 Sports Betting Consulting Service on the Planet!” In other words: Sports Analytics 24/7 is a sports information website that provides suggestions for sports bets to its subscribers.

Sports Analytics 24/7 does not offer bookmaking services or gambling capabilities on its website. Subscribers must register with the bookmaking service of their choice to place the bets on the picks provided by Sports Analytics 24/7.

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The company was established by two gambling consultants who teamed up to use statistics, algorithms, and analytics to make the subscribers profits from betting on sports. Additional information is not available and Sports Analytics does not disclose how the use the statistics, algorithms, and analytics to make their picks (maybe because there is simply no magic behind the picks).

The slogan is “Bet on numbers, not teams”. Playing based on numbers instead of team bias and personal favorites seems to be a reasonable approach to achieve the best results.

Sports Analytics 24/7 covers the following sports/leagues: NFL, NCAAF, NCAAB, NBA, MLB, NHL and UFC.

Sport Analytics 24/7’s proposal

All of the system plays are claimed to be strictly statistically and analytically based to give the subscribers an edge over time. The average winning quota is asserted to be 60% for straight bets in all sports.

Based on a recent Tweet, NCAAB is the most profitable sport.

“Our clients don’t gamble on games, they invest in our analytics which are proven to win over time.”

This review with the “field” test shall shed more light on whether or not the proposal of 60% winning picks is reasonable. The self-test is practical in nature and result focused. I’m not going to test Sports Analytic 24/7’s strategy against the bookmaker’s closing line, etc. Consequently, the results may be influenced by (bad) luck.

Considering that NCAAB seems to be the most profitable sport so far and assuming their claim is appropriate, I would expect to achieve the targeted 60% winners over time.

In my simple world, I’m doing the following calculation:

  • Assuming a return of 1.9x the wager on a 50/50 bet, the long term expected return would be 95% of the bet, or minus 5%. That’s how the bookmakers make their profits.
  • If 60% of the Sports Analytics 24/7 picks should indeed be winners, this would significantly shift the odds in my favor. In the long run, this should result in an expected return of roughly 114%. Not bad.

Want to see how I’m doing so far? Read on here.

Sports Analytics 24/7 packages

Sports Analytics 24/7 offers different packages in different sports and combinations:

  • VIP Package: includes all Straight bets, Parlays, Team Total Bets, 2nd Half bets and Premium Picks. It includes picks from NBA, NCAAB, NFL, & NHL. The package starts at USD 179.99 for 3 days and goes up to USD 4,999.99 for a calendar year.
  • Premium Picks: most confident picks analytically. This package includes the Play of the Day (POD) and Play of the Week (POW) picks.  There are POD most days and POW 1-2 times per week.  This package is good for bettors who want bet fewer games but our absolute most confident plays. The package starts at USD 139.99 (7 days) and the season package is USD 599.99.
  • Parlay Package: MLB, NHL, Basketball and Football Parlays. There are typically 4-9 parlays per week. These are supposed to be low risk, high reward picks. The package costs USD 399.99 for one month and USD 499.99 for a season.
  • Team Total Package: includes all of the MLB, NHL, Basketball and Football picks on whether a team will score more or less than their predicted number for a day. There are 1-3 Team Total picks per day. Starting at USD 79.99 for a week, a season will set you back USD 499.99.
  • Daily Fantasy Sports Package: not a sports betting picks package, the DFS Package includes Draft Kings lineups for NFL, NCAAF, and NBA. 3 days cost USD 45 and a season USD 699.99.
  • Sports Packages: there are NBA, NCAAB, NFL, NHL and MBL packages. The packages include straight bets and will typically have 2-10 picks per day. The costs vary depending on the package and term. One day packages start at USD 39.99 (one sport) and the season for the NBA/NCAAB combination costs USD 1,200 (currently USD 749).
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“Welcome to The SA 24/7 Team!”

So I went for the NBA/NCAAB combi package. I used a Promo Code to get additional discount. There are often Promo Codes available, providing for 10-70% discounts.

After choosing your package on the site, go to the Instagram or Twitter account (links on the website). Most Promo Codes will be shared on social media.

Signing up for a subscription is easy. Just put your package into the cart and proceed to check out. Once you registered for a service, you will receive an email with all the instructions on how to bet and some further pieces of information.

Sports Analytics 24/7 betting instructions

Picks and betting

You will need to register with a bookmaker before you can place your bets. Sports Analytics 24/7 is not a bookmaker services and does not provide gambling capabilities.

Sports Analytics 24/7 provides all the picks by email. Make sure to provide a correct email address when signing up for the service. The emails will be sent at least 1 hour before an event takes place. Check your spam folder if you do not receive the email in time (some of the emails ended up in my spam folder, others in the inbox).

The emails contain the picks and the instructions on how to play (bets no longer valid).

All picks are for straight bets on the Money Line (ML #), Over (O#)/Unter (U#), or Handicap (+#)

So now you know what Sports Analytcis 24/7 offers, what their proposal is, the packages they have, and how it works to place sports bets using their service.

Should you sign-up for a package and use the picks to make money? See the article with the “field” test to find out more about the winning percentage and the profits and losses so far!


Disclaimer: Neither the author nor are responsible for any decisions made based on this article. Bet responsibly. Never place bets on sports if you cannot afford to lose the money. Always respect the gambling laws applicable in your jurisdiction.